Cash Out situs judi slot When You're Ahead!



One of the dangers of gambling online is the fact that there is no time pressure. If you go to Vegas you typically spend a few days there so you try to cram it all in in a short space of time. When it comes time to leave, you're either ahead or you've lost, and I don't think too many people cut a vacation short because they won a sum of money! Many, many more extend their stay in the hope of recovering some of their losses, however.


When you're playing at an online casino, it's always there 24/7/365 - you don't have to worry about catching your flight the next morning. The temptation is great to just leave any winnings in the casino so that you can play later, because when you cash out it usually takes a week or three to receive the funds, and in doing so many people lose their winnings right back. RESIST THAT TEMPTATION!


Any time you have set a goal and achieved it, you should cash out at the end of the session. Some casinos have what they call a "reverse cash-in" option, which at first glance is a neat way to change your mind, but in reality it's the Devil waiting for you to open the door. I've had people ask me how in the world they can disable the option to do a reverse cash-in, and guess what? No can do, short of deleting the casino from your computer. It is important that you have discipline if you want to make money gambling.


If you are playing at a casino where you have to wait a week or two for a PIN number to cash out (Boss Media casinos come to mind), just STOP playing until your PIN arrives. I do know of one person who just couldn't lose, and the PIN number took almost three weeks to arrive! But she's one of a very few people who were beneficiaries of a lucky run. In the end she did cash out as soon as her PIN number arrived for about $1,500, left $40 in the account, and almost IMMEDIATELY hit another big slot payout! I hope her luck rubs off on me but judging by my gambling exploits lately, it hasn't happened yet.


When you gamble, don't invest your entire bankroll at once. Deposit your session limit, and if you lose it, quit. Don't deposit more than you plan to play with.


If you win, simply cash out, stay AWAY from the reverse cash-in option. Use a portion of your remaining budget to gamble at another casino if you must - especially if you can take advantage of a bonus situation. There are more than 800 casinos at last count on the Net. Surely there must be another place which is worth having a look at.


Compare it to a trip to Vegas. How many of you settle down in a hotel and gamble EXCLUSIVELY at that one hotel? Ask yourself this question: are you really getting the best value for your money? There are so many exciting and interesting places to visit, and you're going to ignore them and stay in the same casino the whole trip? I certainly have done that on occasion, but I find that visiting other places and casinos makes for a much more interesting trip - on my last trip I went around part of the Strip and the Downtown areas and signed up to get situs judi slot cards from each place! I now have a collection of about 15 cards and on my next trip I hope to get another 15. Kind of neat to stick them up on the wall to show where you've been.


But I digress. The whole point of cashing out is to maximize your profits, giving your more money to visit other casinos or even finance a trip to a real casino. There are exceptions, of course, like if you are earning reward points or comps, but in a previous article I explained why you do NOT want to play for comps online - at least not yet.

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